General RulesThese are pretty simple guys. They're the rules you see on every or most role play forums. Just follo
w them and you won't have to face the consequences, e
No Godmoding!
on, you really
thought we would let you g
odmode? As if. If you don't know what godmoding is read this: not disrespect the admins or your fe
llow members. If an admin or mo
derator hears that you have been disrespectful or sees that you have been disrespectful than you will be warned assuming that you have not be warned three other times before or haven't done it on an excessive level. If you have been warned three times before or have done it on an excessive level that it totals up to over three
you will be banned for a certain number of days. If you comp
letely d
isrespect someone to the point that it's way over the line, you will be banned a
ffected imm
ediately with no prior warning.
Any profane or derogatory language towards
ANY of the admin
ning OOC wise. If mean
t only in character then fine.) If you have a problem explain it nicely.
We won't bite your head
of or anything no matter how ou
r charac
ters are.
Also if a member is
harassing you or disrespecting you, just contact an admin and we'll take care of it immediately.
Keep all sexually content at PG-13 level. I don't care what goes on in PM's but keep any
thing over PG-13 in your own PM's and don't go announcing it or t
elling others what's going on in them. If an admin catches it, you will be warned once. I
f it's done a
gain t
he resul
t can range from another warning to a temporary ban. This depends on how bad it was done. Are you following so far
?When referring to gore, blood, etc. keep the thoughts of those reading in mind especially the one you're role playing with. If it's going to be over PG-13, please put that portion in a spoiler and put an M before it. That way it looks like this.
- Spoiler:
If you don't know how to make a spoiler you put brackets[ ] around the word spoiler, put whatever needs to be in the spoiler after that then put this at the end [/spoiler]. That first one means you're starting the spoiler the second one means you're ending it. It makes sense if you look at the / as a cancel mark. (Note: This is said cause a few people don't understand it.)
Also, Don't Roleplay until you have had an approved character.
Chat Box RulesDon't spam the chat box, it causes some people's computers to lag. Also do not 'break' the chat box. That would be putting the bold, italic, and underline all on at the same time will putting too many dots or dashes or gibberish. DO NOT DO THAT. It causes problems and then causes people to break the first rule because then they have to spam to fix it if an admin isn't there to clear it.